How To Reset Your Password

How To Reset Your Password

Whenever you need a password reset, or if a Softengine representative advises you that your password needs to or has been be reset, please follow this procedure to do so.



  1. Go to this website:
  2. Enter your username (this will be provided to your by SE and follows this naming pattern: SE\SE_JDoe) in the Domain\user name: field
  3. Enter your temporary password provided by Softengine
  4. If successful, you will see this message: Your password is expired. Click here to change it. (Please note that is you see a message that says your password is 'invalid', this means that you did not enter the correct password).


  1. Click on the blue link on the word 'here' and it will take you to the password reset page
  2. Enter your temporarily password in the Current Password section and then the new password twice in the New and Confirm Password fields


  1. If successful, you will see this message: Your password has been successfully changed > Select OK

You can now login with your new password.


  • Mac users who use the Microsoft Remote Desktop App will still need to follow this same process before using the App; if you try to use it without resetting your password, it will display a message about an invalid credentials on the App
  • The password must meet the following complexity requirements: password must be at least 8 characters long and include 3 of 5 characters upper case alpha, lower case alpha, digit, special character, Unicode